It’s not hard to find strangeness in Tell Me. Or the slightly different results for ‘make words bigger’ which adds Thesaurus into the results (in case the person means ‘ bigger ‘ not in size).
The new help uses Microsoft’s natural language so you can type human like phrases and it should show a relevant result even if you don’t use Office terminology. Anything you type is sent to their servers. In this case ask ‘add a table’ and the Add Table command appears with the flyout to set the rows & columns. Click on the Tell me result to do that action. Not just help but the actual buttons or menu items. Type in a phrase and Office will show relevant (hopefully) features. Look for the lightbulb and ‘Tell me’ box beside the ribbon tabs. However it continues to have the same limitations that are in the Windows version. ‘Tell me’ help box is now in Microsoft/Office 365 for Mac as a way to find features on the ribbon. Thanks for joining us! You'll get a welcome message in a few moments.